Jesus died to save us from our sin, our wrongdoing, our mistakes, and all the guilt, shame, and fear that we have in our lives. We cannot save ourselves. Jesus also rose from the dead displaying the power of God over sin and death. We need Jesus to give us a new life in Him, so that we can have a relationship with Him. He will then lead us and guide us to live this new life by giving us His Spirit. To understand what this looks like, a good place to start is by reading the Bible and being around others who know Jesus. The Bible is God’s Word and Jesus is the truth in action, so reading the Bible helps us understand who He is and how He relates to people. Being around others who know Jesus involves gathering with Christians – those who actually follow Jesus in a relationship with Him. There are many who are Christian in name but fail to follow the life of Christ. The more we read the Bible, the more we know how to distinguish between a true Christian and one who is Christian in name. At GCC you will find people on all parts of their journey of faith and growing in a relationship with Jesus. We want to help all know and follow Jesus Christ. It is part of our mission to make disciples who exalt the Lord, encourage His people, and engage His world. A disciple is someone who is walking in a relationship with Jesus and His followers. We want everyone who comes to this website and steps foot on our campus to experience those life-changing relationships.