Walking with God – Micah 6:8

In a time when many will only do what is right in their own eyes, God’s requirements through the prophet Micah become all the more relevant. To act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with God are not just good things to do but are ways to live out our faith and have a positive effect on the world.

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Honoring God from Morning until Night – Malachi 1:11

We often get tied up in life by the everyday things like paying bills, driving to games, and making dinner. The Prophet Malachi reminds us that God offers us the chance to see beyond the every day hustle and be involved in His plan of reaching the world with the gospel.

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Love Can Build a Bridge – John 4:1-30

Every successful song has a hook in it somewhere. A title, or a line in the song, that helps you remember, believe, and act. In 1990 the Judds recorded a song – “Love Can Build a Bridge”. Great hook….but is it true?

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